Columnist, Radio Host,
Speaker & Author
by KRS
Computer, Your Monastery
By KRS Edstrom
My computer recently crashed resulting in
35+ hours of tech support and “new found
friendships” in India. Not even in the crazy beginning
stages of teenage puppy love have I talked so long on
the phone. During those hours I believe I also found new
levels of frustration, as in: “My life is passing –
and I’m on the phone to India!”
Interestingly, as the hours and days passed, I seemed
to actually settle into this Siberian monastery
training, and in doing so, two mini miracles took place.
First, during one of the particularly non-productive
sessions, I slipped into about 45 minutes of blissful
peace. I remember feeling complete surrender in the
moment and thinking something like “This is all there
needs to be. This is exactly as good a place to be as
any.” I actually scribbled on a torn scrap of paper,
perhaps in an attempt to secure the moment, “I’m so
happy about just being me.” Corny as it sounds in
words, that scrap of paper is plastered on my wall as a
reminder of my sweet merge with Now.
[Having said that, let me assure you that while I
think "suffering offers exquisite lessons" is
a certain punch line to this life, be it known that I am
currently on a computer backup rampage that may border
on radical. I seek to avoid the same lesson twice.]
Second, although still struggling with language
barriers, I finally connected with one of the head techs
(at about the 30 hour mark). While waiting for something
to load, we started talking about his world – what he
ate for lunch, his nostalgia for the “back then” of
his country that he never knew, his walks by the sea to
“download” and his closely knit tech team. He told
me that just a few days previous many of his top techs
were injured or killed in an auto accident on their way
to a much-anticipated vacation together. He was in the
car behind the one hit and could only watch helplessly.
His department was now struggling with the “empty
seats” next to them while trying to pick up the slack
for being short staffed.
My little computer world and goal list were suddenly
yanked into perspective as my heart sprang open to
envelop his cubicle. This 22 year old and I talked about
the tragedy for the next 15 minutes. I felt such grace
from him soaking into me as I tried to offer what solace
I could. Had my computer not crashed I wouldn’t have
arrived in this impactful chance encounter.
[Note to self: Trust the forks in the road and soften
into where they lead.]
© KRS Edstrom
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"Return to Your
Normal Lives…”
(the Fallout of 911)
By KRS Edstrom
The impact of the World Trade Center attack has woven itself
into the tapestry of American consciousness. Many otherwise stalwart, emotionally grounded Americans seem almost
surprised to find themselves still so haunted by the events of September 11th
2001. The history-making enormity of
that day with the ensuing bio-terrorism threats has not left us much space to
fully assimilate the events, not to mention recover from them. That we have had difficulty grasping the
multi-dimensional Big Picture of this bad dream may be the good news. In fact it may be that our innate
self-shielding mechanisms are playing a role in this drama, blocking the full
impact and allowing us instead, just a steady trickle of naked reality. One piece of this emotionally layered 1000
piece puzzle is handed to us at a time. And even that measured dose is overwhelming for many.
It seems
clear that psycho-dynamics of our historically strong,
self-made nation have been rattled. America may be going
through a sort of ongoing posttraumatic stress and with
it, a temporary identity crisis. Our usual role as world
caretaker and moral guide is conflicting with a new and
perhaps uncomfortable inner need for nurturing and
reassurance. This need bypasses theory and reason,
shooting straight to an earlier part of our brain and
spirit. Below I offer some solutions for recovery that
you may find helpful.
- Nurture yourself. If that sounds selfish, just remember that you cannot give to others
what you haven’t got. If you are
stressed and uncentered, that is the energy you will emanate. Make an unedited list of your current needs,
allowing all your subselves to contribute, such as inner child, angry teenager
or whoever wants to be heard. Your list
may range from “lie on my stomach and draw with crayons” to “meditate” to
“punch a pillow” – there are no shoulds for your list. After your “needs list” is completed, make
it a reality.
Next, remember your spiritual roots and resource
them. I say “remember” these roots
because in times of stress you can become vulnerable to prevailing negative
energy, slip from your spiritual center and merge with surrounding chaos. Conversely, after taking the time to
re-center yourself through meditation, prayer or other spiritual vehicle, you
can experience the world and its events through different, softer eyes. Instead of picking up (and being swept away
by) negative energy, you will pick up - and emanate - positive, healing
energy. It’s almost magical. These are the times to implement that core
of spirituality inherently yours. What
you’ll discover in making an effort toward this, is that you have a deeper well
of spirit than you realized.
- Finally, consider shifting your perspective. Since there is not an expert in the world
who can give us a logical cause for such an event, we are allowed to attempt an
openhearted interpretation of the situation. Why entertain such an exercise? Because a positive shift in perspective can affect every aspect of your
inner experience from biochemistry to spirituality, which accelerates your
recovery. So try to build a new
perspective based on any positive threads you may be able to tease from recent
events. Your own version is best, but
here’s an example:
Consider that possibility that an
event as dramatic and far-reaching as the WTC attack is what is took to get the
world’s attention. After all, these
negative forces have been recognized for years, but have been allowed to
proliferate. “Returning to our normal
lives” as Bush had suggested, was and still is an impossible assignment – but
that may not be a bad thing. Perhaps it
took something big, something that couldn’t be denied to shock us out of our
normal lives….and to bring us to action.
Not only has the WTC event brought
the United States to action, but it may even eventually contribute to
accomplishing something that’s never been done before – uniting the world
towards a common goal. It would not be
fantasy to theorize that the WTC event could lead to greater political
reciprocity between countries. And,
after seeing the many multi-denominational services and memorials that followed
September 11, why not widen our new perspective one more notch to believe that
this may lead us to greater global religious tolerance or better, spiritual acceptance. If we consciously cultivate a healthier
perspective in our own minds, the energy of that perspective can spread to
overpower the negative. And perhaps we
can one day say that the lives lost on September 11, 2001 were not in vain;
that those souls were our unknowing guides to the biggest step ever in the
evolution of consciousness and spirituality on this planet.
© KRS Edstrom
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