thanking you again for your marvelous in-flight CD. It helped me
tremendously, once again. The CD is so rich and varied. It was
almost like I was hearing it for the first time in places!
I got through all the airport hassles better than ever. It's the darn
turbulence that unsettles me. As long as it's a smooth flight, I'm fine.
I hate the discomfort of bumping around and can't help being a little worried
about falling from the sky. I wish this weren't such a struggle. I
love new experiences and hate that there's always some big 'thing' to get
through before going anyplace new by plane.
I also used the silent scream technique into the airline pillow!
I cannot thank you enough for your willingness to speak with me on the phone a
couple of months back to reinforce and add to helpful flying techniques.
I will continue to do things to help me with my flying challenges, especially
using your CD.
expect to stay in touch (if that's ok) and send you blessings and feelings of
deep appreciation.
from Bethesda, Maryland
June 29, 2005
Suzie –
on your flights! I’m so proud of you. Most importantly, be sure to
keep congratulating yourself and acknowledging your growth. This is about
more than just one task (flying) – it is about inner growth and removing
obstacles that keep you from fully living life. Most people never take the
challenge – they arrange their life around their comfort zones. Facing
your fears is like self-esteem weight lifting and more – and you’re doing
positive reminders of the successful trips/flights you take (that make you feel good when you see them) – photos of the
trip, the airline ticket(?) or whatever works for you. When you see them
on a down day it will jump-start your self-esteem and motivation. Few
people really deeply know the process you’ve been through so you’ve got to
be your own best friend/motivator. Don’t let yourself forget how this
may be one of the most important accomplishments of your life.
me? I wanted to let you know that I have been using the rehearsal track
of the CD and kinda getting into it! I am travelling to Puerto Rico next weekend for vacation and I'm getting excited, with some of the
anticipatory anxiety draining away (for me that's half the battle). Last
weekend, when I was driving home from a friend's, about 70 miles away, the
weather was really raining, awful! I was completely involved in listening
to my CD's and the driving, and was essentially without any worry about
getting home safely. I am sure the work I am doing to prepare for the
trip to Puerto Rico helped me last week as well. Isn't that funny?!
look forward to taking you with me on my trip:)
February 10, 2006
I like acquiring what
you call 'the deep skills'. It feels good to know it's making a
difference for me. Do you have, or can you recommend other of your CD's or others' that might work similarly, for more generalized anxiety
and greater focus/awareness? I like the gentle teaching aspect of
your approach.
you, KRS, for helping me.
February 10, 2006
am so proud of you for your effort, thought and self-searching you are doing.
You are making “forever” internal changes – evolving, which I believe is
why we’re all here on earth. Good work.
you’ve got it exactly right. You apply the same “feel where it is and
surrender into it” skills for the any sensations, including physical
sensations (of plane swooping or a carnival ride (good practice, by the way), a
funeral, the dentist, a massage – or anything else). You are on the
verge of “becoming” the skills so that they are an automatic part of you and
then, no day need ever be a “bad” day.
can't get over how personal your responses have been and helpful you have
been to me! I can't wait to go tomorrow! It's a lifetime goal to
reach a place of equanimity--that no day is a 'bad' day. Thank you for
giving voice to that process that I am pursuing.
had a funny experience listening to the CD last night. I had just
ordered Chinese food to be delivered. I sat down, put my headphones on
and began the program. The phone began to ring...and ring...4 or 5 times
during my session!! I worked hard at using the same skills on the CD as
my body tensed with each ring. I never stopped the CD to answer! I
was proud of this (though somewhat irritated, too, of course). Turns out the
phone ringing didn't signal a catastrophe about to happen. The
Chinese restaurant had been calling to be sure they'd gotten my husband's tofu
fried rice right!
report back on my return. I've made a little 'travel comfort' kit, and
of course your CD will accompany me. And
thank you, thank you.
February 18, 2006
that’s perfect. The phone ringing sound is just one more opportunity to
practice “being with” whatever happens, non-judgmentally. Soon you
process every distraction, every “irritation” as a teacher reminding you
that this is a good time to let go – let go of control, let go of ego….let
go of suffering.
like your “travel comfort kit” idea!
the good news...well most of it is good: I survived TWO mechanical problems on
the way to Puerto Rico (which meant returning to the gate from the runway TWICE). We were
delayed about an hour and a half. Yuck! I used all my skills,
devices, and the flight was calm.
the way home, I was more discomforted. The trip was rather over
stimulating and I know this made the trip home more challenging. I
used everything I had. The flight was uneventful except
what was going on in my head. The best part, truly, was that it was the
first time I can remember that I was comfortable reading a book on the plane!
Nevertheless, the level of my anxiety was troubling, and I will continue to
use available resources to work on this. Interestingly, the amount of
distraction from the outside world when I was listening to the CD was a lot
more than during rehearsal. Every five seconds it seemed someone was
jostling me or making distracting noises. I am going to explore getting
some of those headphones that block out 100% of noise.
found the Loving Kindness meditation the most comforting on the ride home.
It put me to sleep, which was a blessing!! I did sleep some on the way
down to Puerto Rico and that helped a lot, too! Here's a funny aside: my husband and I
took a small bus group trip to the rain forest. We didn't get to eat
lunch till about 3:00 in the afternoon, and then it was heavy and too greasy.
Then we had to ride down the twirly roads to the main road. Then the air
conditioner broke! We both felt rather ill by the time we arrived at the
hotel. Nick immediately showered and went to bed for two hours! I
bathed and was completely revived! It was by far (objectively) a more
challenging ride than the airplane!
love your voice and your comforting messages. They sustained me, KRS.
February 28, 2006
SO proud of your good work. Keep focusing on all these success stories of
yours (as you are). Too often people (in general) keep thinking about the
area(s) where they feel they didn’t do well and that can ruin the momentum of
the progress. So keep patting yourself on the head and know that one day
you’ll think “I can’t believe that this used to bother me.”
Meanwhile, welcome the challenges associated with flying/traveling/life and use
the techniques that are now becoming part of you!
work, my dear.
glad you're proud, as I'm sometimes very frustrated at my continuing flying
challenges. I like and appreciate what you said about keeping up
momentum. I'll continue to use your CD. I
don't tire of it. And even better...it helps!!! I look forward to
staying in touch.
to you, once again!
March 2, 2006
getting ready to fly again in a couple of weeks and I brought your CD out for
rehearsal a little while ago. I felt really anxious just before
listening and now I feel terrific! It felt like reacquainting myself
with an old friend...and again I'm surprised at some of the information
sounding brand new. I feel almost excited to travel now! ...looking forward to having you join me before the flights via
rehearsals and during.
I purchased the Bose noise canceling headphones, thought that might help a
June 11, 2006
are incredible – And what an inspiration you are for others!
up the good work Suzie.
arrived home. We had some bumps on the way home and I felt rather
anxious (about an 8 of 10 at the most), but it was a brief flight, relatively, and
there was a lot of inclement weather on the east coast. I didn't even
need to use the CD on the flight over!!
realize that while not a whole lot of the plane travel experience is fun for
me, the only thing that's a problem is turbulence. I think it would help
for me to learn a little more about it and to understand it as a way of
normalizing it. Do you have a specific resource (person, book, or
whatever) that you could direct me to for this? I have several
ideas, but KRS, your work is so dead-on, I think whoever or whatever you might
suggest would likely be very helpful to me. Wanted to tell you that I
especially like Track 7 on the CD and wanted to do the Loving Kindness
meditation, but the flight was over before I got there!!
feels good to be home...I look forward to being able to get more of your work
in CD format. I should tell you that about a week or so before we went
away, my pup got sick and needed a sleepover at the Vet's. I was
very anxious, and doing my rehearsal CD wasn't an option because I was quite
upset...but I remembered I had purchased your 'insomnia' CD a while back when
sleeping well was an issue...so I pulled it out and had the advantage of
hearing you and having you help me relax when I was worried about my little
bichon. She is perfectly well now, and appears to have simply had a
stomach virus!
is well, for now,
to you, and thanks to you, as always...oh, I used the EFT suggestions,
too...as I pressed some points I said 'Even though I feel anxious, I accept
myself totally, and completely).
June 28, 2006
I'm baack! But not from a plane trip this time...Last night I had the
opportunity to use the Sleep CD. I woke up in the middle of the
night after a completely exhausting and frustrating day...and I felt very
upset and overwhelmed. My dog had had a panic attack (literally!), and I
rushed her off to the vet; I had a surprise $2000-$3000 furnace surprise, and
the day before, somebody went in my car (parked in my driveway) and rummaged
around and took my quarters...aggravating...it was also my parents'
anniversary day...and my Dad is now dead 8 1/2 years...so some sadness there.
Anyway, I plugged in the CD and it completely calmed and soothed me...I went
back to sleep. Another great resource!
November 9, 2006
know, I'm so happy I have your CD in my 'toolkit'. I used it 6 times
over a couple of weeks in preparation for my trip to Florida a couple of weeks ago, and it was enormously useful to me. And I liked
the rehearsals (once I made the commitment, and despite a bit of
resistance)...and I almost began looking forward to using the rest of the CD
on the plane! Fortunately my flights weren't too bumpy, so it wasn't
bad...I did have a crummy head cold which presented quite a challenge on the
return trip. I called the allergist from Florida to figure out what to do and really just tried to stay in the present so I'd
get home unrattled as could be. Despite long long lines at security and
feeling yucky, I did ok and was so happy to be home and in one piece, without
ear problems!
always amazed that there are nuances to the CD I seem to find the more I use
March 11, 2007
thinking of you this morning, even before I'm on my flight to Florida this morning...the line about not letting your mind pull you into scary
stories! I've been using the rehearsing CD and feel more confident
because I have done so!
forward to having 'virtual KRS' with me on the plane today! My
'comforting fortress of serenity'!
April 28, 2008
Good preparation Suzie! And remember – you have those skill inside
you at all times –you just need to access them (as you are doing more and
more). Excellent –let me know how it goes.
I’m proud of you.
From Sunny Palm Beach! The flight down had bumps for a while, but I did real
well...I felt I had internalized some of the cues better than I can remember.
Glorious! Thank you for your note and it's great to be in touch.
April 28, 2008
Dear KRS,
It's been a long time since we've connected--mostly because it's been a while
since I've flown (just the way life has worked out). I've used your
CD--especially the rehearsal track--faithfully before flights. The last
time I flew, I knew I needed something 'more'. I wonder what you suggest
for people who need additional support--if there's any particular course or
person you send people to. I've flown countless times in my life--I
always make it through, no problem, and I am FINE if the flight is reasonably
un-turbulent. I do find myself challenged by a lot of bumpiness--I hate
the way it makes me feel, though I have many, many coping skills and
techniques--and I use them. I know I'll get
where I'm going, I just want to feel less fearful of the experience.
to hear your ideas. BTW, I STILL will practice and use your CD a
lot. I am committed to being present to my discomfort, as much as I can.
April 12, 2010
Hi Suzie –
Yes, especially if you don’t fly for a period of time, you might feel increased discomfort - versus if you flew daily, it becomes habit, right? In fact, imagine that you’re a seasoned traveler right now and see what I mean. Imagine you fly daily (or imagine the mindset of business people who DO fly daily) and say: “This is old hat to me, almost boring – been there, done it. Bumpy, not bumpy, bring it on. Done it all, and it always ends up the same – I get there just fine…etc.” Get what I mean?
Regarding the airplane noises and mechanical worries, there are books that explain what the noises are for those who want to know more. There are also “virtual flying” programs (that would be similar to the first track on the Fly Without Fear CD, without the particular skills I use). There are also actual get-in-the-plane courses taught by a pilot (which might be good for those needing assurance with the statistics and so forth.) It’s often helpful to just remember that it’s safer to fly than drive. Getting too analytical and caught up in every noise and bump can pull you out of yourself, so one simple reminder like that (safer to fly) helps many people get centered again.
Also, especially after not flying for awhile, some people do opt to take a little (doctor prescribed) medication for the first few flights, to insure that feeling of “everything’s going to be just fine” feeling so by the time you fly again (such as on your way home from that first re-entry trip) you have no fear attached to it.
One of the gifts of working with fear is to practice letting go of Control (which likely also manifests itself in other areas of your life, so learning to release Control with flying will also help you release control issues all-around.). Along those same lines, working with fear and letting go of Control is an excellent opportunity for “spiritual push-ups”. As you sit in the plane ready to take-off, turn it all over to the Universe/God/Higher Power (or whatever your beliefs are) – know that you’re in safe hands and that everything is taken care of. When you feel the fear – every sound, every bump – just say “That’s none of my business – it’s all taken care of. It’s okay. I’m going to be okay.”
Finally, don’t judge yourself or think of yourself as a failure for having fear. Yes, accept it as a challenge to overcome, but also embrace it for what it is (& who you are) too.
Thanks for your honesty and keeping in touch. I’m proud of you!
looking forward to going to LA in a couple of weeks. Today feels really
calm and happy. I've had some challenges in these past weeks, but I'm
working with them, working through them, and managing. And yes, much of
the work I'm doing involves facing myself head-on, no easy task at times :).
And will involve using all the same skills and awareness as you teach
and encourage on the CD.
course, I'll report in with progress; I hope to travel further away next summer I insist on moving forward. Many many thanks to you.
Perhaps our
paths will actually cross one day! Maybe even in an airport :)
12, 2010
Suzie –
to hear from you – and a pre-congratulations on your next flight. You
really should give yourself credit for working on this issue. Regarding
the airplane noises and mechanical worries, while there are books on that,
explaining what the noises are for those who want to know more, it’s often
helpful to just know that it’s safer to fly than drive. Getting
too analytical and getting caught up in every noise can pull you out of yourself
– so one simple reminder like that (safer to fly) helps many people get
centered again.
other point (in regards to concerns about noises, etc.) is the spiritual aspect
to the whole venture. As you sit, ready to take-off, turn it all over to
the Universe/God/Higher Power (or whatever your beliefs are) – and know that
you’re in safe hands and that everything is taken care of – every sound,
every bump – just say “That’s none of my business – it’s all taken
care of, it’s ok”. It’s such an opportunity to grow your faith,
whatever it is – it really pushes you to just let go of control and “Me”.
Spiritual push-ups.
Wow! I'm back already and did great, best ever...but I have to give the pilots and
Mother Nature a lot of credit...both flights had little bumps and turbulence,
but I was ready, in the event of... And I played your CD for comfort
on both flights. It soothes me and I can jump in and focus if necessary.
I think what helped me tremendously was somehow letting go of a lot of
anticipatory anxiety.
take-off I checked in with the pilots about any anticipated turbulence. I
looked around the cockpit and saw the initials KRS, in all caps, on the
captain's suitcase! I enjoyed the synchronicity and the possibility that I
have a few angels watching 'in the wings'--including you!
for all you do,
3, 2010
Suzie –
work! I’m so proud of you – you’ve really stuck with it and done the
work. Keep it up! Confidence breeds confidence.
breeds confidence. I really opened up this trip and that feels...both
exciting...and a little unnerving...I'm very excited to do some travel soon!
Can you believe the captain's initials on his suitcase! Looked like your
hugs to you,
8, 2010
Hello KRS!
It's been ages, so I thought I'd send you an update about my last really awesome
flying adventure.
So here it is: I flew in January to Albany and it ended up being a fine flight –
no Ativan needed!
So, I'm getting ready to fly to Boston next weekend for some time in NH, and
then later in August, I'll be flying out to Arizona. This will be a longer
flight then I've done in a while by myself, but I'll be okay. I'll use your CD
a couple of times before Boston, and then check back to let you know how I've
done. I feel optimistic and really hopeful.
You have been a great resource and inspiring for me! Thanks, Suzie
July 20, 2011
Thank you, thank you. Just listened to the CD for the first time since
January. So funny to me that after so many listenings over the years, the
information is "almost new" again, and I hear things differently. I'm so glad I
can return to this resource again and again.
July 26, 2011
Be Well, KRS
the story is different but the facts remain the same. I am really uncomfortable
with turbulence. Had a fairly uneventful flight both to and from Phoenix. It's
a good, long flight between DC and there. There was a surprise on the way
over -- the captain came on the loudspeaker and said it would be a smooth flight,
then about 45 minutes in there were a lot of bumps and discomfort.
I fought the frustration I felt; perhaps I should have allowed myself to
experience it more, but I was too preoccupied with fear -- and upset generally
took over in those moments, though I used my skills throughout. I do feel I
have really internalized your wise voice and hear it over and over. Most
effective for me is locating the place of discomfort in my body, naming it, then
softening the area around it.
It's just that it seems to take so much energy to deal with the whole thing, but I want to fly; I
want to go, I want to see -- TRAVEL!
Why is this so damn hard? Cause it feels lousy to be bumping around. But I got
a cool insight, too, this time around -- it's ME that's struggling when there's
turbulence -- not the plane!!
Peace and thanks,
Suzie September 16, 2011
Hi Suzie –
Congratulations for hanging in there and “doing it anyway.” I’m
glad you included your insight (“It’s ME that’s struggling, not the plane.”) That very insight is the reason you have this challenging fear, aka valuable
That’s what it’s all about: to surrender, surrender, surrender,
on the deepest level. And what could be any deeper than thinking our life is in
danger? If you can surrender in those moments, not only will your fear begin to
dissolve but your spirituality will grow from the ashes of the death of the fear
and all the space it consumed.
So, on this past trip you gained the insight of surrender. Now,
for the next trip, start getting excited about the challenge of letting go, of
surrendering, at least a little more……right through the fear. Recognizing that
the only struggle is within YOU, get excited about how much you will be able to
release those fists of resistance and trust. Exercise: On your flight, keep
track of your fear level (1-10 scale) and know that as long as it’s above 0
there’s more you can surrender – and it’s your choice as to how much you can let
go. Very interesting work.
In breaking through this, you’ll see that you will enjoy more than
the travel to any place you choose, but also the psychological and spiritual
growth that will be your reward……and are exactly why you were gifted this
challenge in the first place.
KRS September 19, 2011
Thanks for your last email – I’m going to make a copy to take with me on my trip
to Florida on Thursday!
By the way, remember when you suggested I pretend to "scream" into a pillow on
flight day? Well, I recently tried that at the beginning of a social
gathering. When things got tense, I removed myself to the ladies' room, grabbed
some paper towels and pretended to scream into them (while I was in a stall, of
course). I was chilled out for the rest of the evening!"
I decided life that includes great travel is too alluring to miss. So, after
this Florida trip I'm going to Mexico in late January!
Florida isn't too bad of a flight -- 2-3 hours. Hopefully, without too much
bumpiness. As always, I've got your CD with me, though it surprised me that I
never used it to and from Arizona! It's like a security blanket.
Off to complete my preparations, and my intention to surrender. Interestingly,
that's become a very important intention and practice for me in my relationship
to God over the past 6 weeks or so. Working with surrender on the plane is
another great opportunity to practice, as you say!
Peace and thanks,
Suzie October 11, 2011
Hi Suzie –
What a great email and great
progress on your part - Good girl! You deserve all the trips you want with the
courage you’ve had to work through this.
Another inspiring report my
KRS October 14, 2011
I've been so out of touch,
but I've been flying hither and yon! Since my trip to California at the
beginning of the year, I've flown to Texas and Florida, and this weekend, I'll
be heading to Tucson. From there I'll fly to San Diego, and then home again,
back to the east coast.
Generally speaking, all
has gone great. I had a rough patch on the flight home from Florida a few weeks
ago, and that's shaken me up a bit. I'll be using your flight simulation “Dress
Rehearsal” track a couple of times before I go, and I've been reviewing my
skills and trying to chill out more in preparation.
It's been a little bit
hard to be as relaxed as I'd like going into this flight, as we had a terrible
storm here this past weekend, and many of our friends have been in dire
straits. We've been helping, and the region has been a mess. All this has
unsettled me. Still, I know what to do when the bumps come. I just hope we
don't have too many of them!
Up, up and away!
Suzie July 5, 2012
Hi Suzie,
I am SO proud of you! And
remember, you’re an experienced “fear-experiencer” and you now know that you are
not your fear. Fear is a state of mind, not reality and you can watch it
non-judgmentally, with interest saying: “hello old friend, what are you trying
to teach me today?”
Also kid with yourself a bit
saying (when bumps come) – “So what? Been there, done that and it’s not worth
getting all worked up about it. Borrrring” (as the kids say). Logic prevails.
Aren’t you proud of yourself
for opening the door of fear so you could enter the room of joy?
I'm so glad we're still in
touch! I did really well on my flights to and from the west coast.
Soon after I got on the
plane, I spilled my drink, and then discovered the woman in front of me had a
stomach flu. I like to check in with the pilots and see what the weather is
going to be in the air. They assured me there WOULD be turbulence on the 2nd
half of the flight. Shortly after, they said we'd likely be delayed at least 1
hr and 40 min. I decided I'd been through way worse before, and I'd be dealing
with flight challenges in the future, so I decided to suck it up.
Guess what? I did great!
I didn't even use my noise cancelling headphones, and was able to ride out the
bumps as they come. I didn't get crazy with anticipation or get pulled into bad
stories--pretty amazing. The turbulence was manageable. And not severe, which
was great.
Next month, I have a short
flight to Newport, RI. I plan to keep up a steady air travel schedule for
awhile. It seems to get somewhat more comfortable--the logistics--the more I
fly. All that planning and organizing can really ramp me up, so the more
routine I can get with the whole scenario, the easier it will be.
It's so good for me to be
able to tell you my success stories!
Thanks and blessings,
Suzie July 20, 2012
Suzie –
I’m SO proud of you! I love
the “steady travel schedule” you mentioned! The more you do it, the easier it
Good work! I love that you
are giving yourself recognition for what you’ve accomplished – and continue to
accomplish. That’s so important. You have done this Suzie – can you believe
Celebrate. KRS July 24,
It's funny, now I hear you
talking in my head sometimes--telling me to face the fear, be present to the
sensation. You are right. I can't believe I've been flying so much, and will
continue to! I love to feel I can muscle through this, without harmful
consequences. And every trip has been worthwhile, which helps.
I also am collecting more
friends and associates that live in faraway places. My world expands. And here
you are, still accompanying me on each leg of this amazing journey I'm on.
Suzie July 24, 2012
August 19,
2012 Hi KRS, Really good
experiences to and from Providence this past week. Flying back almost no issue.
I can't believe how relaxed I was. Such a victory. Now, a little break from
flying until October, when I go to Chicago. The world has opened wide. Cheers! Suzie
August 21,
2012 What a great
report Suzie! You should be so PROUD of yourself! You've kept at it and
haven't given up and now you're at a whole different level with it, and it's
good to recognize that - slowly, slowly you've transformed the situation. Yes a
VICTORY for you indeed! KRS
February 4, 2013 Hi KRS,
It was great talking with you on the phone before my trip to Mexico. Not only
were the flights relatively stress-free, but I had a long chat with a pleasant
man tonight on the way home for most of the journey. I really feel like I made
some big big progress this week. I'm almost astonished. Thank you for being
there for me.
2013 Dear KRS,
I’ve thought of you so many times this past year during my many successful
flying adventures, but you came back into my life last week when I was dealing
with a strained sacrum and was coping with a lot of pain. I downloaded your
[Defeat Pain] MP3, and was so grateful that I felt significantly improved after
listening for just 15 minutes.
I’m happy to say, I’m feeling so very much better. I thought I’d take this
opportunity to let you know briefly, about a whole bunch of successful flying
trips, since I wrote to you back in 2012. It’s been a big year for the
“friendly skies”.
Here’s something I appreciate: I’ve become a real seasoned flyer. More
accustomed to the airport scene. I am actually fairly relaxed in that prep- to-
fly time. I’ve also discovered how lovely it can be to use the airline clubs.
It can ease travel stress, for sure.
In the past year I’ve had 2 trips to Florida, one to Phoenix and an interesting
jaunt to Toronto. Next month, I plan to fly to Chicago for a few days, and then
to Phoenix/Tucson, then back to DC. Generally, these flights have been
uneventful. A couple of times the trips were challenging, and because of car
snafus, I almost didn’t make my flight from Phoenix once. I developed Shingles
while in Toronto, which involved an emergency room visit the night before we
came home. I learned that even though hard stuff can happen before I get on the
plane, I can still have good flights. An important acknowledgement.
Thank you for helping me overcome my fear, KRS, and enabling me to live life a
little more fully. It was also so wonderful to receive your help you’re your
audio] when I was in pain this week, and scared. I am truly grateful.
an update Suzie! Congratulations world traveler!
Be Well, KRS