of Serenity' is a gentle composition of musical
meditations suitable
for playing in the background at any
time - in the car,
while at work, mealtimes,
or simply
when resting. Sounds of
nature enhance the lilting,
flowing music
in this herbal massage
for the soul. Highly
recommended for anyone
interested in a
little help to more
fully unwind."
- The Midwest Book Review
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"Natural ambiance combined with cheerful chimes makes Sounds of
the perfect set for a personal savasana (final relaxation)."
LA Yoga Magazine Click
for Full Review
electronic New Age music varying from the shimmering
and lush first track to
warm strings and bell tones on track three to
the ethereal angelic chorals of
the fourth track....The album is unified
by the sense of peace that pervades the
entire CD."
- New Age Retailer
for Full Review
"The best!
Sounds of Serenity is a great way to unwind – an internal
vacation. I play
it while soaking in the tub after a long day."
Patricia McKegney, psychologist
"I play KRS
Edstrom’s ‘Sounds of Serenity’ in my classroom
to help my
second graders focus."
Rebecca, Devonshire, N.J.
“KRS Edstrom’s ‘Inner Mastery Series’ has a
down to earth, scientific approach.”
- White Swan Music
is delicious music that requires focused listening to appreciate
its full
benefits. Skillful performances give the atmospheres body
and depth and
orchestral and symphonic timbers. As
the listener
gets deeper into this music, they discover new meanings and more
paths to follow. The calmness is so underwhelming that it overwhelms.
overtones surround the synapses and lull the listener gently
a state of extreme subconsciousness. Meditation takes on
meaning and it is easy to get lost - easier to get found and
smooth ride in every direction. This is a great CD!"
Awareness Magazine Click
for Full Review
of Serenity
A relaxing
auditory massage! Musical meditations that enhance present moment – play
in your car, during dinner, while working, reading and…living. Creates a
new “soundtrack of your life” that cultivates balance, clarity and calm.
Beautifully crafted music and nature sounds as used throughout KRS Edstrom’s acclaimed Inner Mastery
NOTE from KRS about Sounds of Serenity
The music for each
in the
series was created in a unique and memorable way. I sat with
engineering/composing wonder Jeff Silverman in his private
recording studio while he played my voice tracks. I don’t
think we even realized it at first, but the (meditation) tracks
brought us into a meditation so that the whole process became
quite ethereal. It WAS a meditation. I decided to devote one
audio in the series to the wonderful sounds that were created
during this meditation.
S ounds
of Serenity is 1 of 6 titles from KRS Edstrom’s
Inner Master Series. Mindfulness meditation is a
non-denominational, non-sectarian practice and the core
technique used throughout this series (except
for the all-music Sounds of Serenity CD). Mindfulness cultivates an
awareness of present moment with open-palmed acceptance; an
appreciation of “now” and whatever it may contain.
Imagery and breath techniques are also used to enhance your
meditation experience.
purpose of the
Inner Master Series
is that you not only
experience results after each listen, but that you also develop
increasingly deeper skills to serve you in all of life’s
Commonly considered negatives such as pain, stress and insomnia
are transformed in a non-judgmental way that invites insight and
is both growth-promoting and freeing. Once perceived
enemies turn into welcome teachers. Similarly, everyday
events such as watching a bird soar, greeting a neighbor or
putting on your socks are experienced in a more mindful,
complete way; a way that enriches your relationship to self,
spirit and thus, the rest of the world.
from Sounds of Serenity
1: Soothing Streams (10:00)
2: Spanish Siesta (10:30)
3: Peaceful Days (13.26)
4: Choirs of Angels (10:04)
Time: 44 minutes

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